PNA virus capture

Altratech addresses the fundamental complication of extracting genetic material from a biological sample by using Peptide Nucleic Acid (PNA) probes and synthetic peptide technology.

Their excellent stability and binding-affinity eliminates the complicated sample-prep and reverse-transcriptase steps required in other assays. This is a key part of moving the diagnostic out of a laboratory setting, for maximum clinical benefit.

Altratech uses PNA Technology to address the fundamental complication of extracting genetic material from a biological sample. KeyChain PNA offers a purely synthetic alternative to biotinylation; it is reversible, tuneable, and programmable. KeyChain PNA will enable users to both multiplex and simplify sample preparation applications in a way which is not currently possible.

PNA’s are synthetic, are not recognised by proteases and nucleases, making them very stable in crude blood and saliva samples. With high binding affinity, they capture the analyte antibody or virus directly from the patient sample. PNA’s are synthetic, stable, and robust, with a long shelf life, so no cold-chain shipping or refrigeration is needed. They target the RNA virus directly in-situ, so no sample-prep or extraction is required.

Altratech and NIH have co-developed and patented further improvements to PNA’s. These ‘KeyChain’ PNA probes comprise three parts:
– Right-handed chiral PNA, which interacts with the target nucleic acid sequence;
– Left-handed chiral PNA which can only interact with other left-handed sequences;
– Linker between the two PNA

These non-enzymatic bio-orthogonal synthetic nucleic acid probes.further contribute to assay stability and long shelf life, while eliminating the need for biotin-strepdavidin enzymes which have complications in biological and human samples due to the presence of natural biotin.

Our novel patented technology is a paradigm shift from PCR to a new way of capturing, detecting and quantifying genetic material.

